About Me..I Mean Basil
Once there was a leaf named Basil. He was an awesome leaf. People could never get his name right, but he embraced being a leaf and like all plants, he evolved.
One day, Basil grew an extra eye and it saw with a focal length of 50mm. It was a basic eye but it could stop time and put it in a box. So Basil thought “I don’t want to be on pizza and pasta anymore. I’m gonna stop time as much as I can and save it in this Japanese made box.”
Over time, Basil grew more eyes that could see in different focal lengths. Each eye had a different job. One was for people, one was for music, one was for cityscapes, but at the end of the day, time was stopped, saved in a box, and seen by many.
When Basil grew into a bigger leaf, he realized that no matter what eye stopped time and no matter which point of time was stopped, people were always happy to look back. This was around the time he discovered a huge international cult of Ones and Zeros called the INTERNET. He thought “I SHARE THIS WITH THE WORLD AND HELP OTHERS DO THE SAME!!”.
And So..Shots of Basil© was born!
Like any leaf, Basil loves the Sun, Water, Salad Dressing , Music, Friends and Family. Without them, he wouldn’t have grown to be a tree (Biologically Impossible, just don’t tell him I said that).